Although most of those who market to their business via the Internet or what is known as e-marketing believe that developing a marketing plan is very important, it is not always the effort and time required to know the real needs of the project and develop the marketing plan accurately and in full detail. Some also still insist on neglecting the marketing plan completely, and this does not seem to be the best thing to do anyway.
Although most of those who market to their business via the Internet or what is known as e-marketing believe that developing a marketing plan is very important, it is not always the effort and time required to know the real needs of the project and develop the marketing plan accurately and in full detail. Some also still insist on neglecting the marketing plan completely, and this does not seem to be the best thing to do anyway.
You must know your target customer well
Advertising means have become many, but before you determine the platform that you will use in advertising, you must know your customer first, which is one of the most important parts of developing a marketing plan, whether in relation to electronic marketing or marketing in general. Knowing your customer is the first step that comes before anything else when you start your marketing plan because it is the step that will ensure that sales are achieved for the product or service you provide by directing your marketing to targeted people who are interested in what you offer. Certainly, sometimes not studying the customer will lead to you becoming like someone holding the microphone and calling out on the street to all passers-by, but with every call into the microphone you will lose more money.
And when you study the personality of your customer, or at least the classification of the customer to whom you want to target ads accurately, you must think about the details of your ideal customer and start putting those details in a divided form like
this: Locations: Where might the customer live?
Excluded locations: Are there places where I can expect no clients?
Age: What is the range of ages that I expect my customers to be in?
Gender: Are my clients men and women, or are they of only one gender?
Interests: What are the interests of customers?
Education: What is the educational level of the clients I’m targeting? Work: What do my clients do? and where? And in what positions?
Income level: What is the income level of my clients? Will they have enough money to buy my product?
Emotional status: Are they married or not?
Languages: What languages do they speak and understand?
Favorite sites: What sites do they visit frequently? What do these sites offer?

Study the competitors very well
Whatever field you work in, you will find competitors here or there, and even if you are the first and only at the beginning, we guarantee that competitors will inevitably come. Those competitors that you cannot stop, you can simply make them one of your strengths by studying them and analyzing everything about them carefully. Certainly, these competitors have their own thinking and their own plans to attract customers, and your role is to take advantage of their strengths to support your project and also exploit their weaknesses to obtain customers.
When you study and analyze your competitor well, you can get four basic benefits:
- Better know the state of the field in which you work and how big it is
- Determine the things you can do to stand out from him
- Knowing the strengths it offers in order to develop and advance yourself better
- Knowing the weaknesses in what he offers in order to use them to your advantage as soon as possible

The matter does not require a lot of experience or complexity either, as there are a number of paid tools that are easy to find and that help analyze the competitor through social media platforms or analyze the website that competes with you easily. Also, when it is required that you follow up on what he provides yourself, such as the emails he sends to clients, there is absolutely no shame in that.